Your Lovely Pet Guide

Kamis, 22 September 2011

Conures As Pets - Tips and Advice

as pets, these birds have much in their favor, provided they have obtained while mladi.Rukom raised Conure is likely to be quickly resolved with the new owner, but you should get a considerable amount of attention if kept on their own. Perhaps you prefer to get two of these birds, if you will not need to leave her alone for a long time every day. They can become as tame as a bird, but it will have each other company during the day. Conures can learn to speak, even when kept in pairs can be as eloquent. The two together can be very fragile, however, provides more than adequate compensation.

It is important to think carefully before you on a Conure, especially because it can prove quite challenging. If neglected, on May resort to prolonged bouts of high-pitched, like feather plucking, which will be difficult to overcome vice successfully.

When Conure like perches on your finger, to offer him a favorite treat, like a piece of fruit, it will reinforce the training process. Outside the cage, perhaps as a perch to stand for your pet, which can be mounted on top of his quarters. It should not be part of the elaborate woodwork, but it must be stable. Strong legs and a solid base, they will feature in dizajnu.Klip perch above is held in place by the vertical supports, the amount depending on the type of question. Clearly, the bird must be able to catch a perch without its tail below.

to provide this kind of perch in the room has several advantages. At first, it allows you to continue the training process, and it will be easier to encourage Conure transferred to your hand from kaveza.Pitoma birds will often run up in your hands and end up located on the shoulder. Any attempt to nibble your ear should be discouraged as this may prove painful. Remember that although you used on your pet, party familiar with the birds may be scared, if Conure land on them. It is less likely to occur if you have a perch clearly visible in the room, which Conure can fly without difficulty. There is less risk of decorations to tumble, and you'll probably find that your pet is quite content to sit a long time, rest and preening themselves out of their cages when provided with this type of perch.

His feces can be cleaned easily if they fall to the floor of the cage, or a piece of paper can be placed below the perch, so the furniture does not get dirty. You can include more than one page with a nice location across the room, so you can move easily Conure. Even so, never leave a bird in the room itself. He may decide to bite a favorite piece of furniture, curtains or damage.

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