Your Lovely Pet Guide

Kamis, 08 September 2011

Low Maintenance Pets

Pets serve different purposes in our lives. From making us feel wanted, adding a little more sense of life, making light of the many people in the world. Different pets require different amounts of care and attention. If you are looking to become a first time pet owner and would like to have a pet of some kind, but they have plenty of extra time to spend caring for the animals there are some low maintenance pet that would fit you or your lifestyle. Let's go over some of these pets.

fish may be the ultimate low-maintenance pets. Of course, some people set up an aquarium complex that require a lot of time to look, but small and medium-sized aquarium with a small collection of freshwater fish do not require much attention. The daily feeding and cleaning of water every couple of weeks is about all you need. Set up an automatic feeder and filtration system further reduces the time it takes for a pet fish.

Birds, such as fish, can be low maintenance or high maintenance, depending on what you choose. Some exotic birds require much care. There are many types of birds that require only a simple diet and minimal grooming. Common birds such as finches and lovebirds do not require near the time of exotic species. Parakeets and hummingbirds are easy to care for as well. The birds will also give you some tracks to enjoy.

if you want a pet that can be a little more personal to consider getting a cat. Cats are clean animals who groom themselves. They are independent and will be perfectly happy with a steady diet, clean water and a few toys. Most cats will curl up on the couch with you, from time to time. They can also help defend their place of rodent invasions.

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